Psalm 147: Good, Pleasant and Fitting!
July 22, 2022
2 Chronicles 25-27, Psalm 147, Luke 12:13-21, 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17
Another psalm of exuberant praise. Why? Because it is “good,” “pleasant” and “fitting” to praise God (147:1).
It is good to praise God (147:2-9) because God is a good God. He gathers the exiles (147:3). His goodness is not weakness, but capable to achieve its ends (147:3-5). He sustains the humble (147:6). He looks after the natural creation (147:8-9). Therefore, sing to God with grateful praise (147:7)!
It is pleasant to praise God (147:10-14) because he takes pleasure in his people. The Lord delights in those who fear him (147:11). He strengthens and gives peace to his people (147:13-14). Therefore, God’s people are to praise their God (147:12)!
It is fitting to praise God (147:15-20) because God’s word fits the end to which he has assigned it. His commands are sent to the ends of the earth (147:15). His word governs the winter and the summer (147:16-18). He has given his word to his people (147:19-20).
Therefore, “praise the Lord” (147:20)! If you are in the doldrums this morning, consider these reasons to praise God: it is good, pleasant and fitting!
Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life and John 1-12 For You.
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