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July 26-31, 2024

In keeping with the Bible reading plan we are using, the last days of each month are designated as “free days.” July 26-31 then are intended to allow you to catch ...
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2 Chronicles 34-36: With God, Failure Is Never the End of the Story

2 Chronicles 34-36,  Psalm 150,  Luke 12:49-59,  2 Thessalonians 3:14-18   2 Chronicles 34-36:   The story finally ends on a note of strange hope—Cyrus proclaiming the rebuilding of the temple (36:22-23). ...
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2 Chronicles 30-33: The Consequences of Ruler-ship, for Good or Ill

2 Chronicles 30-33, Psalm 149, Luke 12:38-48, 2 Thessalonians 3:6-13 2 Chronicles 30-33: By the end of these chapters we feel like asking, “How long, O Lord?” (Psalm 13). But ...
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2 Chronicles 28-29: Two Kings

 2 Chronicles 28-29,  Psalm 148,  Luke 12:22-34,  2 Thessalonians 3:1-5   2 Chronicles 28-29:   Ahaz, at a mere twenty years of age, begins his reign, but it starts badly and continues ...
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2 Chronicles 25-27: Doing What Is Right Before the Lord

2 Chronicles 25-27,  Psalm 147,  Luke 12:13-21,  2 Thessalonians 2:13-17   2 Chronicles 25-27:   More of the same lesson—he who honors God, God will honor—and it begins with Amaziah who did ...
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2 Chronicles 22-24: Whom Do You Copy?

 2 Chronicles 22-24,  Psalm 146,  Luke 12:1-12,  2 Thessalonians 2:6-12   2 Chronicles 22-24: In these chapters we learn of the importance of influence—mentors, forebears, examples, models. Ahaziah was made king, ...
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