Today’s Broadcast

Life to the Full: Rivers of Living Water, John 7:1-52

What is it you’re using to numb the pain and lack of hope that you feel? Is it alcohol, a drug, or just entertainment—watching movie after movie that make you forget your sense of meaninglessness? We all experience some degree of pain as a part of the human condition, and that issue is addressed by this passage.

Join Dr. Josh Moody & Dr. Neil Shenvi for The Word Conference

October 21, 2024 | 5:30-9 PM CT | College Church in Wheaton

The Word Conference exists to equip leaders to influence their world by the Word. 

How God Centered Is Your Life?

Dr. Josh Moody shares a fresh vision for a biblical outlook for your life.

Turn to Jesus

A Word from Josh

Do you ever feel disappointed with your life? Maybe you have asked God for so many things and tried to do what is right, but your life doesn’t measure up the way you think it should. Perhaps it would be helpful to get beyond looking at what we don’t have and realize what we do have—Jesus!
This month, we continue our series from the book of John on “Life to the Full.” In chapter 6, the crowds are astonished when Jesus satisfies all of them with one boy’s meager lunch. But before long, they are back looking for more. They have missed the whole purpose of his miracle, which was to direct them to spiritual nourishment.

We all have moments when we feel something is lacking. Do we go to Jesus?


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This month at God Centered Life, we're offering a copy of The God-Centered Life by Dr. Josh Moody for your gift of any amount. In The God-Centered Life, Josh Moody helps bring readers along the path to know and love God better by understanding, interpreting, and applying lessons from Jonathan Edwards to today's culture.

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Come Home

There's a place for you!

Have you wondered what a relationship with God really means?  Request your copy of Josh’s booklet Come Home with our compliments.  Click the button below to learn more and get yours today. 


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GCL Articles

How Should Christians React to the Gender Agenda?

by Dr. Josh Moody I remember the moment when I was talking to a Yale University undergraduate. I was pastoring a church in New Haven, where Yale is located. We had many Yale students in our congregation. From time to time, they would come to me to talk about what was going on in their…

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God Centered Living

by Josh Moody We are made by God. We are not our own. Whether we live abundantly wicked lives, or good old fashioned clean living lives, a life that is not surrendered to God is not life as the Bible defines it. We are the walking dead even if we physically live if our life…

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