We can always give thanks as Christians because we know that God loves us, is with us, and is going to take us home.

You and I will face moments when we feel we simply cannot keep going. Perhaps you are there now. What is the key to holding on in those times?

I have a few thoughts to share, but first let me say how much I appreciate your partnership with God Centered Life. Thanks to you, many more will encounter Christ, grow in their passion for the Word, and be equipped for God-centered living.

Our series this month is “The Coming of the Lord.” As we look into the book of 1 Thessalonians, we will consider how to live in the light of what we know as we anticipate the coming of the Lord Jesus. This includes those difficult times when we just don’t know if we can hold on. Where do we start?

Paul tells us in chapter 5 to “Rejoice always.” The Christian life is a life of joy, even when we are under great pressure. The question is, how? Paul continues, “Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances.” When you pray much, you will find you have much about which to rejoice. Why? When you pray, you are more likely to see the hand of God at work. Therefore, you will have something about which to give thanks, and therefore to rejoice.

We can always give thanks as Christians because we know that God loves us, is with us, and is going to take us home. Paul ends the book with these words of blessing:
“May the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, ESV

The issue is not whether you can keep on going. The issue is that God will keep on going. The issue is not your faith. It’s the one in whom you have faith. He is faithful. He will surely do it.

To hear more from this series, look for us online or on the radio. Or use the God Centered Life app to access other resources. If you find these messages encouraging, I hope you’ll consider a gift to help us continue sharing them with others.

As a thank-you for your gift of any amount this month, you can receive the book Reaching the Next Generation by Kevin DeYoung. The author reminds us that we won’t ultimately impact young hearts with cleverness, humor, or good looks, but by walking with Jesus and following his ways. I trust you will find his words helpful.

With gratitude,

Josh Moody
President and Founder
God Centered Life Ministries

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Reaching the
Next Generation

by Kevin DeYoung.