The book of Ephesians is a powerful message for today's culture. The Apostle Paul's aim is to open our eyes to the heavenly—or spiritual—reality that's around us, for our encouragement.

When you hear the words “heavenly places,” what comes to mind? Clouds, angels, a place to go when you die? The heavenly realm is not merely a future reality. It’s an unseen realm around us right now.

We will look at this more closely, but first, I want to express my gratitude for your interest in this ministry. Your partnership is vital to God Centered Life and allows us to provide encouragement and spiritual food to thousands around the globe. Thank you!

The book of Ephesians is a powerful message for today’s culture. In our series this month, The Heavenly Places, we see that the Apostle Paul’s aim is to open our eyes to the heavenly—or spiritual—reality that’s around us, for our encouragement.

Writing from prison, Paul urges the Ephesians to focus on the spiritual realm to put their circumstances into a different context. The Ephesians faced challenges on the spiritual and political front, and they had seen Paul persecuted right in front of them. Paul reminds them of the true, sustaining heavenly power they have in the gospel.

What kind of world do we live in? It’s the same world Paul describes—one with an unseen spiritual realm where God has heavenly power. And what does that mean for us?

God’s purpose in Christ in the heavenly places encourages the church with spiritual power to walk in light and speak the truth in love as one united body.

To learn more about this truth, I hope you will join me online or on the radio. Or use the God Centered Life app, where you can find all our resources as well. Would you also please consider a gift in support of this ministry? With your continued help, many more will be encouraged by Christ and encounter God-centered living.

In thanks for your gift of any amount this month, I’d like to send you What Fuels the Mission of the Church? by Daniel Hames and Michael Reeves. We know we should be passionate about evangelism, but in reality we often find it daunting. The authors urge us to grow in our knowledge and enjoyment of God, which will spur us on to authentic outreach. I trust you will find this resource helpful as you seek to speak the truth in love to those around you.

With gratitude,

Josh Moody
President and Founder
God Centered Life Ministries

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For your gift of
any amount this
month, receive
What Fuels the
Mission of the Church?

by Daniel Hames and
Michael Reeves.