One way to gain confidence in your faith is by observing the work of the Spirit in your life. If your heart is soft and you want to obey God and love him, you know that the Spirit is at work within you.
When we’re going through a difficult time, we may wonder how we can know that the things we believe as followers of Christ are all true. Will our faith stand up to our tough questions?
We’ll talk more about this, but first let me thank you for standing with us in the work of God Centered Life. Your partnership ensures that many more will encounter Christ, grow in their passion for the Word, and be equipped for God-centered living.
About those difficult questions… this month’s series is “I Wish I’d Asked That,” and we will look at questions the disciples had for Jesus in the book of John—questions that are still of concern to us today. Rest assured: We have the truth. We can examine it with all the questions we have, and it will survive.
In John 14:8, we find Philip’s indirect question, “Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough.” Like us, he was looking for an experience of God. We want to directly see and explore to find truth. Jesus reminds Philip of all he has already seen as he has followed the Lord. In our questioning, we, too, must look first to what Jesus has said and done.
We can also look to what Jesus’ followers have said and done. If you are uncertain about what you believe, pray to meet a committed follower of Jesus. Get to know them, and their godly example and faithful witness will strengthen your own convictions.
Another way to gain confidence in your faith is by observing the work of the Spirit in your life. If your heart is soft and you want to obey God and love him, you know that the Spirit is at work within you. He will guide you and help you to see the truth.
[Jesus said,] “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth.” John 14:16-17, ESV
Have you known and felt the Spirit of God at work in you and guiding you to truth? If not, maybe it’s time to pray and invite him in today.
To hear more about the questions we all face, I hope you will look for us online or on the radio. Or use the God Centered Life app to access other resources. If these messages help you find answers, please consider a gift to help us continue.
In thanks for your gift of any amount this month, I’d like to send you my book Boasting. Isn’t “boasting” something we should avoid? Learn how to live a humble, God-centered life—and boast about the right things.
With gratitude,
Josh Moody
President and Founder
God Centered Life Ministries