Today’s Broadcast

Life to the Full: Rivers of Living Water, John 7:1-52

What is it you’re using to numb the pain and lack of hope that you feel? Is it alcohol, a drug, or just entertainment—watching movie after movie that make you forget your sense of meaninglessness? We all experience some degree of pain as a part of the human condition, and that issue is addressed by this passage.

A Woman Caught in Adultery

John 7:53-8:11: Have you ever been in a situation where you sense that other people do not approve ...

Rivers of Living Water

John 7:1-52: What is it you're using to numb the pain and lack of hope that you feel? ...

The Words of Eternal Life, Part 2

John 6:60-71: The answer to the human problem is not systemic cultural change or socio-economic class revolution. The ...

The Words of Eternal Life, Part 1

John 6:60-71: How do you know whether you've been feeding on spiritual junk food? You'll get spiritually sick, ...

The Bread of Life

John 6:22-59: We all have our down moments and times when we feel less spiritually alive. In these ...

Do Not Be Afraid

John 6:16-21: The only way to not be frightened about our circumstances or death or disease is to ...

Five Barley Loaves and Two Fish

John 6:1-15: Perhaps you are disappointed with your life and with your God. You have asked Him for ...

The Glory That Comes from the Only God, Part 2

John 5:30-47: When we hear the word Pharisee, we tend to think of the caricature of the "bad ...

The Glory That Comes from the Only God, Part 1

John 5:30-47: Fake news has become a regular part of our current lives. This passage deals with credibility ...

Hear His Voice

John 5:19-29: Even in Bible times, people rejected the idea that Jesus is God. In this passage, Jesus ...

The Pool of Bethesda, Part 2

John 5:1-18: Since there were Pharisees in Jesus' day, are there some in the church today? Pharisaism is ...

The Pool of Bethesda, Part 1

John 5:1-18: When you have a problem that in your own strength and resources you cannot solve, where ...

Your Son Will Live, Part 2

John 4:46-54: Remarkable faith believes without seeing, believing without being in the presence of the solution being prayed ...

Your Son Will Live, Part 1

John 4:46-54: John is teaching us that wherever we are coming from, there is a path to the ...

Living Water, Part 2

John 4:1-45: We are not just in a cultural war today, we are in a spiritual war. We ...

Living Water, Part 1

John 4:1-45: Racial animosity is all too common today. In biblical times, the Samaritans were viewed as half ...

Whoever Believes, Part 2

John 3:22-36: There's a flip side to chasing joy, something we're fleeing. So often, no one preaches about ...

Whoever Believes, Part 1

John 3:22-36: Why is it that we strive for something someone else has? What is it that fuels ...

God So Loved the World

John 3:16-21: The Danish Christians refer to this passage as "The Little Bible" because the whole meaning of ...

Born Again, Part 2

John 3:1-15: Put yourself back into the Old Testament story where people are dying, and there's a means ...

Born Again, Part 1

John 3:1-15: Let us not make the gate to enter the kingdom of God higher or lower than ...