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The Coming of the Lord: An Exemplary Ministry, 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

It can seem like you’re not making any difference in ministry whatsoever. The most important parts of ministry are hidden within our hearts—only God knows. As we seek to serve, this passage sets out an encouraging pathway on how we can have an authentic, Christlike, God-honoring ministry.

The Coming of the Lord: Encourage One Another, Part 2

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: We are looking forward to a new heaven, a new earth, a new body, and ...

The Coming of the Lord: Encourage One Another, Part 1

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: Our mortality is real, but Christians do not die in the sense that they will ...

The Coming of the Lord: A Life That Pleases God

1 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Some people spend their whole lives looking for a church that fits their preferences—but that's ...

The Coming of the Lord: An Exemplary Ministry

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12: It can seem like you're not making any difference in ministry whatsoever. The most important ...

The Coming of the Lord: An Exemplary Church

1 Thessalonians 1:1-10: When you're a leader, it's very easy to always be thinking about the problems you ...

Living in Exile: Celebration and Honor

Esther 8-10: Every person on the face of the globe lives with the shadow of the grave. But ...

Living in Exile: The Gospel Pattern of Grand Reversal

Esther 5-7: The gospel has a pattern of grand reversal. The failure to grasp this reversal is at ...

Living in Exile: For Such a Time as This

Esther 3-4: We're living in an age where everyone thinks they can redefine who they are. They can ...

Living in Exile: Winning Favor

Esther 2:1-23: We live in a day that is decreasingly dominated by Christian ideals, and all of us ...

Living in Exile: A Strange Providence

Esther 1:1-22: There's an aspect of the book of Esther that's important to catch, but it's hard because ...

Contend for the Faith: Keep On Going

Jude 1:17-25: The church in America has utterly failed God's people. It has not taught on sin and ...

Contend for the Faith: Remember

Jude 1:1-16: There is no doubt that we need to do what Jude is calling us to do: ...

I Wish I’d Asked That: How Do You Find Courage?

John 16:29-33: Everyone has a need for encouragement. And while this passage shows us the path to encouragement, ...

I Wish I’d Asked That: How Do You Find Complete Joy?

John 16:17-28: It's not about happiness or a big house or successful children—all that will be dust in ...

I Wish I’d Asked That: What Could Be Better Than Easter Sunday?

John 16:5-16: When we hold on to life how it is, we may be missing out on something ...

I Wish I’d Asked That: Why Do People Persecute Christians?

John 15:18-16:4: These days people have to be very careful what they say at work about the Bible. ...

I Wish I’d Asked That: How Do We Bear Good Fruit?, Part 2

John 15:1-17: This isn't about the person who has never been to church. This is about people who ...

I Wish I’d Asked That: How Do We Bear Good Fruit?, Part 1

John 15:1-17: It may be that you're here because you feel your life isn't having the impact that ...

I Wish I’d Asked That: Why Do Some People Not Get It?

John 14:22-31: Some of those who say they have never seen God have not actually been looking. The ...

I Wish I’d Asked That: How Do We Know It’s All True?

John 14:8-21: Sometimes when we're going through a difficult time, we wonder how we can know that the ...

I Wish I’d Asked That: Why Is Jesus the Only Way to God?

John 14:5-7: Sixty-six percent of Americans think that belief in many different religions will get you into heaven. ...