The Coming of the Lord: Encourage One Another, Part 2
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: We are looking forward to a new heaven, a new earth, a new body, and ...
The Coming of the Lord: Encourage One Another, Part 1
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18: Our mortality is real, but Christians do not die in the sense that they will ...
The Coming of the Lord: A Life That Pleases God
1 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Some people spend their whole lives looking for a church that fits their preferences—but that's ...
The Coming of the Lord: An Exemplary Ministry
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12: It can seem like you're not making any difference in ministry whatsoever. The most important ...
The Coming of the Lord: An Exemplary Church
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10: When you're a leader, it's very easy to always be thinking about the problems you ...
Living in Exile: Celebration and Honor
Esther 8-10: Every person on the face of the globe lives with the shadow of the grave. But ...
Living in Exile: The Gospel Pattern of Grand Reversal
Esther 5-7: The gospel has a pattern of grand reversal. The failure to grasp this reversal is at ...
Living in Exile: For Such a Time as This
Esther 3-4: We're living in an age where everyone thinks they can redefine who they are. They can ...
Living in Exile: Winning Favor
Esther 2:1-23: We live in a day that is decreasingly dominated by Christian ideals, and all of us ...
Living in Exile: A Strange Providence
Esther 1:1-22: There's an aspect of the book of Esther that's important to catch, but it's hard because ...
Contend for the Faith: Keep On Going
Jude 1:17-25: The church in America has utterly failed God's people. It has not taught on sin and ...
Contend for the Faith: Remember
Jude 1:1-16: There is no doubt that we need to do what Jude is calling us to do: ...
I Wish I’d Asked That: How Do You Find Courage?
John 16:29-33: Everyone has a need for encouragement. And while this passage shows us the path to encouragement, ...
I Wish I’d Asked That: How Do You Find Complete Joy?
John 16:17-28: It's not about happiness or a big house or successful children—all that will be dust in ...
I Wish I’d Asked That: What Could Be Better Than Easter Sunday?
John 16:5-16: When we hold on to life how it is, we may be missing out on something ...
I Wish I’d Asked That: Why Do People Persecute Christians?
John 15:18-16:4: These days people have to be very careful what they say at work about the Bible. ...
I Wish I’d Asked That: How Do We Bear Good Fruit?, Part 2
John 15:1-17: This isn't about the person who has never been to church. This is about people who ...
I Wish I’d Asked That: How Do We Bear Good Fruit?, Part 1
John 15:1-17: It may be that you're here because you feel your life isn't having the impact that ...
I Wish I’d Asked That: Why Do Some People Not Get It?
John 14:22-31: Some of those who say they have never seen God have not actually been looking. The ...
I Wish I’d Asked That: How Do We Know It’s All True?
John 14:8-21: Sometimes when we're going through a difficult time, we wonder how we can know that the ...
I Wish I’d Asked That: Why Is Jesus the Only Way to God?
John 14:5-7: Sixty-six percent of Americans think that belief in many different religions will get you into heaven. ...