Matthew 18:1-14: Better Than Greatest

Leviticus 8-10; Psalm 40; Matthew 18:1-14; Acts 25:1-12 Matthew 18:1-14: The question “who is the greatest?” has plagued Christian communities—and indeed all communities—since the beginning. In our frail humanity and fallenness, we seek for significance in the wrong places. We try to be better, greater, greatest—we do not simply enjoy the thing for the beauty…

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Matthew 17:14-27: Mountain-Moving Power

Leviticus 5-7; Psalm 39; Matthew 17:14-27; Acts  24 Matthew 17:14-27: Coming down from the mountain, Jesus is immediately met with a coming-back-to-earth moment of reality. Having been elevated and transfigured (Matt. 17:1-13), he now is back to dealing with the day-to-day realities of life and with people in their weakness, sickness, with demonic tendencies and…

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Matthew 17:1-13: Listen to Jesus

Leviticus 1-4; Psalm 38; Matthew 17:1-13; Acts  23:12-35 Matthew 17:1-13: The next event, the famous Transfiguration, connects to the previous by the phrase “And after six days” (17:1). What will it mean for some not to taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom? Some will see that coming of…

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Matthew 16:13-28: Take Up the Cross

Exodus 38-40; Psalm 37:23-40; Matthew 16:13-28; Acts  23:1-11 Matthew 16:13-28: Peter’s confession of Christ is justly famous, for good reason, and yet frequently misunderstood at the same time. Jesus begins by asking who people say that he is (16:13). This is a technique for teaching, asking a question in good Socratic mode, not because Jesus…

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Matthew 16:1-12: The Teaching of the Pharisees 

Exodus 35-37; Psalm 37:1-22; Matthew 16:1-12; Acts  22  Matthew 16:1-12: The contrast between those who received Jesus’ teaching and responded with faith (like the Canaanite woman, 15:21-28), and others (like the Pharisees), becomes yet more stark and glaring. The Pharisees, along with the Sadducees, come to Jesus to test him (16:1). And what a test!…

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Matthew 15:21-39: Great Faith

Exodus 34; Psalm 36; Matthew 15:21-39; Acts  21:27-40  Matthew 15:21-39: By contrast with the Pharisaic refusal to accept Jesus or listen to God’s Word, but rather instead trump God’s Word by means of their own human traditions—by contrast with this approach to Jesus, and God, we come across now the faith of a Canaanite woman.…

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Matthew 15:1-20: Human Tradition

Exodus 32-33; Psalm 35; Matthew 15:1-20; Acts  21:1-26  Matthew 15:1-20: Perhaps one of the most important teachings of Jesus is in a context where religion is common, and faith—real faith—must be contrasted against the mere externals of “Pharisaic religion” (under its various guises). It is possible to look very impressive on the outside, and follow…

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Matthew 14:22-36: Out of the Boat

Exodus 30-31; Psalm 34; Matthew 14:22-36; Acts  20:13-38 Matthew 14:22-36: Perhaps one of the most famous miracles of all dominates the passage in front of us this morning: Jesus walking on water. Many people have wondered whether it is really possible. Could it be possible that someone would walk on water? I have read, or heard, discussions about…

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Matthew 14:1-21: King Jesus

Exodus 27-29, Psalm 33, Matthew 14:1-21, Acts 20:1-12 Matthew 14:1-21: John the Baptist, the greatest prophet, the one who made straight the path leading to Christ and prepared the way for him, is dead. As Jesus’ fame grows, King Herod begins to think that somehow John the Baptist has returned from the dead and is…

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Matthew 13:44-58: The Pearl of Great Price

Exodus 24-26, Psalm 32, Matthew 13:44-58, Acts 19:23-41 Matthew 13:44-58: More parables, with a final description of what took place after them—“A prophet is not without honor except in his own hometown” (13:57). The first parable is of a treasure hidden in a field (13:44). A man discovers it and then sells everything he has to buy…

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