April 26-30, 2021

In keeping with the Bible reading plan we are using, the last days of each month are designated as “free days.” April 26-30 then are intended to allow you to catch up on reading you may have missed or to study passages more in depth that intrigued you during the first 25 days of the…

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Mark 9:14-32: Impossible? Pray

Ruth 4, Psalm 94, Mark 9:14-32, 1 Corinthians 16 Mark 9:14-32: To descend from the mountaintop and find such a commotion! And apparent failure on the part of his disciples. They “were not able” to cast the evil spirit out of the afflicted child. Jesus sighs in exasperation, “O faithless generation, how long am I to be with…

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Mark 9:1-13: Listen to Him

Ruth 2-3, Psalm 93, Mark 9:1-13, 1 Corinthians 15:29-58 Mark 9:1-13: Mark 9 verse 1 may refer to the transfiguration, which immediately comes after the otherwise enigmatic statement of verse 1, or it may refer to the kingdom of God that is inaugurated (though not fully) with the death and resurrection of Jesus. Given that Jesus refers to…

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Mark 8:31-38: Take Up Your Cross

Ruth 1, Psalm 92, Mark 8:31-38, 1 Corinthians 15:1-28 Mark 8:31-38: Remember the healing that began this section of Mark? The man who was blind, was first partially healed, and then fully healed so he could see completely. Similarly, Peter (yesterday) gave the right answer to the question about the identity of Jesus. And yet it now becomes…

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Mark 8:22-30: The Christ

Judges 20-21, Psalm 91, Mark 8:22-30, 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 Mark 8:22-30: This section is the first half of an enacted parable and section of teaching about spiritual sight. The blind man (8:22-25) first does not see at all. Then he sees partially. Finally, he sees “clearly” (8:25). A similar pattern is experienced by Peter. He sees that Jesus…

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Mark 8:14-21: Yeast of Pharisees

Judges 19, Psalm 90, Mark 8:14-21, 1 Corinthians 14:1-25 Mark 8:14-21: Having forgotten to bring bread with them, Jesus uses their lack as an object lesson for a moment of teaching. “Watch out; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” This statement or principle evidently confuses the disciples, or their minds start to…

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Mark 8:1-13: Believing

Judges 17-18, Psalm 89:19-52, Mark 8:1-13, 1 Corinthians 13   Mark 8:1-13: Again they gather—a great crowd—and they have nothing to eat. This time Jesus’ miraculous feeding of them is through seven loaves and a few fish. But the end result is basically the same. The hungry are fed. This “feeding of the four thousand” is another miracle…

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Mark 7:24-37: What a Great Savior

Judges 16, Psalm 89:1-18, Mark 7:24-37, 1 Corinthians 12:14-31   Mark 7:24-37: Jesus is under increasing pressure, even not being able to be hidden in a house. The needy press in to see him. A Gentile comes, and Jesus first puts her off with what seems like a harsh expression, but has the effect of raising with her…

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Mark 7:1-23: Religious Traditionalism

Judges 13-15, Psalm 88, Mark 7:1-23, 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 Mark 7:1-23: Religious traditionalism did not die with the Pharisees, and it continues extending its tentacles through the religious instincts of humanity in the clothes of various religious movements and tendencies today. At its heart is a root that issues in one particular fruit. The fruit is illustrated in…

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Mark 6:45-56: Walking on Water

Judges 10-12, Psalm 87, Mark 6:45-56, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 Mark 6:45-56: Under all this pressure, Jesus instructs and “makes” the disciples go into the boat to cross to the other side. Meanwhile he retreats to the mountains to pray. Take note, disciple of Jesus: if our Master prays, so must we. He retreated from time-to-time to find refreshment…

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