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God-Centered Living

We are made by God. We are not our own. Whether we live abundantly wicked lives, or good old fashioned clean living lives, a life that is not surrendered to ...
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Moody and magnificent!

No Other Gospel (Crossway, 2011) has just been published and I have duly been doing the rounds of radio interviews on Christian radio in the US. They have certainly been fascinating. ...
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No Weddings and a Funeral

A strange complexity For a long time it has been known that this picture has a strange complexity to it: the more educated, while liberal in theory about marriage, actually ...
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For the Fame of God’s Name and in Honour of a Servant

Josh the booster! Not being one of the contributors to this volume, I feel free to ‘boost’ it and commend it to others to read. Piper, of course, has had ...
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Whence now ‘religious’ politics?

God and politics America has long had a tendency of espousing a connection between God and politics, for various historical reasons obvious to anyone familiar with the founding and early ...
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To change the world

To Change the World: The Irony, Tragedy and Possibility of Christianity in the Later Modern World. As I say, I cannot possibly do this book justice in these few words, ...
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