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The Ideological War in the Aftermath of September 11

This is what I wrote at the time…]]>
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War (New York, 2010) is a specifically non-religious book, but with great relevance to assessments of the effects and experience of war in Afghanistan for American troops. Junger ‘embedded’ himself with ...
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Environmentalism USA

 writes winsomely and captivatingly about his epiphany after his recent exposure to the issue in the Gulf area. Liberal agenda? For some reason, being willing to say that polluting things is ...
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Western evangelicalism and ‘postmodernism’

More recent shifts It feels, in fact, very fin de siécle; yet for all the lacunae of such an analysis, and its undoubted accuracy with regard to the basic gut ...
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Economist Bruce Howard on the current state of the global economy

Bruce Howard is a professor of business and economics at Wheaton College (Wheaton, Illinois). He maintains a professional association with Tyndale House Publishers and also has experience in the fields ...
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