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2 Chronicles 20-21: Two Ways to Live

 2 Chronicles 20-21,  Psalm 145,  Luke 11:37-54,  2 Thessalonians 2:1-5    2 Chronicles 20-21:   Jehoshaphat continues to show his godly wisdom. When faced with insurmountable problems (20:1-2) and naturally afraid, he ...
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2 Chronicles 17-19: Reform!

 2 Chronicles 17-19,  Psalm 144,  Luke 11:29-36,  2 Thessalonians 1    2 Chronicles 17-19:   There is much to learn from the reign of Jehoshaphat! Consider:  The Lord was with Jehoshaphat, because ...
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2 Chronicles 13-16: A Key Spiritual Lesson

 2 Chronicles 13-16,  Psalm 143,  Luke 11:14-28,  1 Thessalonians 5:12-28    2 Chronicles 13-16: The history of these chapters proceeds along fairly familiar lines to those who have been following the ...
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2 Chronicles 10-12: Split 

 2 Chronicles 10-12,  Psalm 142,  Luke 11:1-13,  1 Thessalonians 5:1-11    2 Chronicles 10-12:   Rehoboam is made king, but immediately he is faced with a challenge that proves beyond him. His ...
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2 Chronicles 8-9: True Success

 2 Chronicles 8-9,  Psalm 141,  Luke 10:38-42,  1 Thessalonians 4:11-18   2 Chronicles 8-9: The chronicler lists Solomon’s extensive accomplishments in these two chapters. He is a “builder,” emphasized many times ...
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2 Chronicles 6-7: Heal Our Land

2 Chronicles 6-7,  Psalm 140,  Luke 10:25-37,  1 Thessalonians 4:1-10   2 Chronicles 6-7: While the LORD has said he would “dwell in thick darkness” (6:1)—that is, not be accessible to ...
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