Why Another Conference?
June 26, 2022
by Josh Moody
This fall on Monday, September 26, God Centered Life will be hosting “The Word Conference” at College Church in Wheaton, Chicagoland. Why another conference? As I have thought and prayed about this, it seemed to be important, and the right time, for us to do another conference for a number of different reasons.
First, as some of you may remember, we had a very successful “One Night Centered On God” conference a few years back. That conference was to celebrate and consider the lessons of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Though the Word Conference has a different focus, the previous conference established that there is a needed space for a ministry conference that is not extraordinarily large, but neither so small that little is accomplished. Our hope is that this conference will provide that kind of space. You can come, hear preaching, and also connect with people in a small enough setting that this can be a go-to watering hole for you and your ministry.
Second, my sense is that there is a renewed need to elevate the importance of expository Bible teaching in our churches today. There are many excellent workshops that can train us how to do Bible teaching at a practical boots-on-the-ground kind of level. But there is less by way of emphasis on communicating the Word in a contemporary context in the midst of a rapidly changing culture and world.
Third, a few years ago we used to run “gospel fellowship” times for local ministers. Some of you may remember that. They were good times together and my thinking is this conference will feed into the same desire and need.
Fourth, I also thought it would be good to have a “ministers” conference (rather than a “pastors” conference). Anyone who is in full time ministry, or lay ministry too, is welcome to this conference. This is a broader base, of course, than a straight-out pastors conference, but it will help to embed the significance and joy of Word ministry in that wider context.
I hope you join us! You can register here.
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