Acts 18:18-28: Travels
February 7, 2023
Exodus 19-20, Psalm 30, Matthew 13:1-23, Acts 18:18-28
The kingdom of God continues to advance and grow. Here in this part of Luke’s story of kingdom advancement from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth, we learn some more good lessons that are applicable to our lives in the contemporary world.
First, do not give up. Paul stayed for some time in Corinth. There was an opportunity for ministry and Paul stuck to it. Certainly not always easy. But he did not give up.
Second, strengthen one another. What is our goal in fellowship, interaction, ministry among the church and with other Christians? Paul traveled from place to place “strengthening all the disciples.” When we relate together, when we spend time together, let us not simply hang out but use every opportunity we can to strengthen each other in our faith and in our walk with Jesus, and in our witness for Jesus.
Third, combine knowledge of the Scriptures with fervor for God. Apollos not only knew the Bible, he also knew about how to reason about the Bible’s message. And there was not only content, there was also passion. He was fervent for God. Seek to know God and love God with your heart, soul and mind.
Fourth, be willing to learn. Apollos, despite his great gifts, still had much to learn about Jesus. He was humble enough to receive instruction. One American President said that he had never met a man from whom he could not learn something. How much should we be willing to learn from each other in the family of God.
Fifth, reason and debate and argue for the truth of God. If what we say we believe is true, it is important that we defend its truth rationally and with evidence and proof. This is what Apollos did. Our faith is a reasonable faith, and we are to find ways to defend it reasonably and with credible evidence.
Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life and John 1-12 For You.
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