December 11: The Mountains Shall Drip Sweet Wine
December 11, 2016
Amos 7-8, Job 33:1-11, John 17:6-19, Revelation 8 Amos 7-8: In Amos’ vision, God showed him locusts appearing not at the very worst possible moment but at a time after the king’s mowings, but still a devastating judgment (7:1). Amos appeals to God, and God relents (7:3). Again, a vision of a judgment by fire, Amos appeals and God relents (7:6). Let us learn the importance of intercessory prayer. We do not cease to pray because God is sovereign. As God is in charge, it motivates us to pray to the One at whose command times and seasons and events can change merely by his word. Lastly, God shows Amos a plumb line (7:8), that is a way of measuring how straight or otherwise Israel is. The results evidence the need for judgment on God’s people. Such strong preaching does not win friends and influence people, especially not among the powerful, and Amos is criticized for his preaching (7:10). He is told to go away (7:12). Amos replies in the words of any true preacher of God’s word, and especially of the Old Testament prophets, particularly referencing his own calling (7:14). God had called him, and ultimately he answered to God. The judgment for Amaziah’s attempted silencing of God’s preaching is devastating: his wife will be a prostitute and his sons and daughters will fall by the sword (7:17). In other words, he will experience the worst of the siege and invasion to come. What is more, all this is imminent. Chapter 8 begins with a vision of a basket of summer fruit (8:1), meaning that this judgment of God’s is now “ripe” and ready to happen. Most devastatingly of all, God’s word will now be absent.
Behold, the days are coming,” declares the Lord God, “when I will send a famine on the land— not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord. (8:11)Amaziah had attempted to silence the preaching of God’s word, and he had failed. But there will be a judgment to come which will issue in the withdrawal of God’s voice from his people. What a horrendous thought; no more would God speak to save, rescue, feed, and bless his people. Israel will be destroyed (chapter 9). But there is a day of restoration to come (9:11).
In that day I will raise up the booth of David that is fallen and repair its breaches, and raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of oldThe restoration will be sweet, beautiful and glorious (9:13):
The plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it.All is fulfilled in Christ, in his first coming, through the cross, and in his return. What a glorious advent that will be! To receive God Centered Bible devotionals directly in your inbox, sign up here.]]>
Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life and John 1-12 For You.
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