John 1:43-51: Jacob’s Ladder

Jeremiah 10-11Ecclesiastes 3:16-22John 1:43-51James 2:14-26

John 1:43-51:

[Note: As we go through John’s Gospel together over the next few weeks, I will refer you to fuller comments in my commentary on John’s Gospel, as well as the Bible study guide.]

Take, then, and read a full analysis of this section of John, and instead this morning simply reflect on the following bullet points:

  • Read the story of Jacob’s ladder in Genesis 28. What is Jesus saying about how that story is now fulfilled in him?
  • If Jesus is the one and only through whom “heaven [is] opened” (1:51), how should we then prioritize our lives?
  • How should we emphasize evangelism?
  • How should we emphasize missions?
  • What comfort does this give us as we face our own mortality?