John 4:27-42: He Told Me All That I Ever Did

Jeremiah 32-34Ecclesiastes 10John 4:27-421 Peter 1:1-9

John 4:27-42:

Note: As we go through John’s Gospel together over the next few weeks, I refer you to the broadcasts from the Gospel of John which will provide more commentary on the passage. Here is a link to the sermon related to today’s passage: Living Water, Part 2.

Take, then, and read this section of John, and this morning simply reflect on the following bullet points:

  • Jesus emphasizes that real nourishment comes from doing God’s will and accomplishing God’s mission (4:34). Do you think this explains why so many people today cannot find satisfaction? We think food, nourishment, and satisfaction come from bread, physical sustenance, material provision. But Jesus here is teaching that real nourishment is more than simply physical filling. The real nourishment of the soul comes from doing God’s will. If you are not sensing satisfaction, would you today commit to obey God’s Word and follow God’s mission (cf. Matthew 28:18-20)?
  • If the harvest is now (4:35), what should be our response? Are we making the most of our time to tell people about Jesus, serve in the church, and proclaim the gospel?
  • They believe that Jesus is indeed the Savior of the world (4:42). What could you do help other people come to the same saving knowledge of Jesus?