June 19, 2018: With My Whole Heart I Cry!
June 19, 2018
Today’s Bible Reading: 2 Kings 12-13, Psalm 119:145-152, Luke 5:33-39, Philippians 2:19-30 Psalm 119:145-152: Prayer can sometimes seem as if it is a cold-blooded affair. We are told to “say our prayers” or “to say a prayer” or even “give an invocation” or “make intercession.” But prayer in the Bible is life and fire, heat and passion. The psalmist is praying; but oh what praying!
“With my whole heart I cry; answer me, O Lord!” (119:145).
“I call to you; save me” (119:146).
“I rise before dawn and cry for help” (119:147).
“Hear my voice” (119:149).
It is significantly convicting, as well as encouraging, to hear the passionate crying to God in prayer modeled by this part of the psalm. Perhaps there is something that you want to pray about. Perhaps you even have, in some sense, prayed to God about it. But have you prayed like this? Have you prayed with this kind of passion? Have you gotten up before dawn to pray to God for what is on your mind? Don’t complain that your prayers are unheard until you have prayed like this psalmist prays! But then note what the psalmist is praying for. He is not praying for wealth or health or even happiness. Listen:His prayers are so “I will keep your statutes” (119:145).
His prayers are “that I may observe your testimonies” (119:146).
His prayers are “that I may meditate on your promise” (119:148).
All this is so that he will have “life”—life to the full in fellowship with God.
Are these the kinds of things that you are praying for? That you may understand the Bible, that you may know the gospel, that your fellowship with God would be filled with joy and meaning and life? Praying for anything else is like asking for dust when there are diamonds on offer! Why would you want merely financial funds when you could have the fullness of fellowship with the God of the whole universe! And then look at the result of this passionate praying for the understanding and insight into God’s Word. While “they draw near” (119:150) who persecute him with evil purpose, at the same time he knows that: “But you are near, O Lord, and all your commandments are true” (119:151). It gives him courage in the face of adversity. Pray then. Pray with passion. Pray for God’s Word to be opened before you that you may understand and know God. And then you will have confidence in the nearness of God even in the face of adversity.]]>
Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life and John 1-12 For You.
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