June 8, 2018:The Lord Is My Portion

Devotionals > June 8, 2018:The Lord Is My Portion

June 8, 2018:The Lord Is My Portion

June 8, 2018


Today’s Bible Reading: 1 Kings 12Psalm 119:57-64Luke 2:41-52Ephesians 4:17-24 Psalm 119:57-64: In some ways life is all about decisions. You cannot be everything. If you do not decide to be something, life will force upon you a something that you may not have wanted. You have to decide—to cut off yourself from various options and potentials in order to be able to embrace other options and potentials. Such is the nature of life: you can’t be every place at every time and in every career and in relationship with every person. You must decide. This psalmist is saying in our section this morning that he has decided for God. He has made the Lord his “portion” (119:57). That is, out of the various options and lifestyles and ways of being, he has decided to follow God. The Lord is the one that he has decided to be his Lord, and he will be governed by his principles and by his Word. The Lord is his portion. Therefore, the psalmist continues, he acts in certain ways. Are these how you act? Have you made the Lord your portion? It would be an interesting diagnostic to see if God is the one you are choosing fully and completely at the present moment by means of this diagnostic of what the psalmist chose:

  • He prayed with passion. “I entreat your favor with all my heart” (119:58).
  • He not only thought about the Bible, he determined to put it into practice. “When I think on my ways, I turn my feet to your testimonies” (119:59).
  • He did not prevaricate and make excuses to put off obedience to God. “I hasten and do not delay to keep your commandments” (119:60).
  • Even when people attacked him, he still stuck to God. “Though the cords of the wicked ensnare me, I do not forget your law” (119:61).
  • The night was not the time for debauchery but the time for praise. “At midnight I rise to praise you” (119:62).
  • He chose his friends on the basis of their allegiance to God. “I am a companion of all who fear you” (119:63).
  • He had a positive outlook on the world around him and God’s presence in that world because he had committed himself to God. “The earth, O Lord, is full of your steadfast love” (119:64).
  • He desired to learn more. “Teach me your statutes” (119:64).
  How are you doing in terms of making the Lord your “portion” in comparison with this psalmist? Where do you need to improve? Ask God to help you today to decide for God and therefore to put that decision into practice like this psalmist did.  ]]>


Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life and John 1-12 For You.


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