March 7, 2018: Save Me by Your Name
March 7, 2018
Today’s Bible Reading: Numbers 15-17, Psalm 54, Matthew 23:13-24, Romans 5:12-21 Psalm 54: David had many reasons to despair. He faced enemies determined to kill. He was betrayed and attacked. In this instance “strangers have risen against me” and “ruthless men seek my life” (54:3). What would David do about this? What would you do? If you are faced by opposition, what is the right response? Perhaps this morning you are surrounded by “enemies.” You look towards the day ahead and you wonder how you will survive. Perhaps there is someone who is trying to “get you fired.” Perhaps there is someone who is attacking your character. Perhaps someone you have never even met is attacking you on the Internet. What do you? In this psalm, David models for us the instinct of the mature believer. “O God, save me by your name, and vindicate me by your might” (54:1). In other words, when a Christian is facing opposition, they lean into the truth that God is the one who must intervene. They ask God to intervene. And this appeal to God comes out of a confidence that God can and will help those he loves. When we are attacked by people wielding great power—procedural power, verbal power, physical power—we can know that God and his might are not overawed by any human power. David shows us that the first response of a Christian is to ask God to save them by his name and his might. When a Christian is attacked for being a Christian, then the very name of Christ himself is at stake. And we so we can appeal to the honor and glory of Christ for God to intervene by his power. Would you do that this morning? Would you ask God to save you? For “God is my helper” and “the Lord is the upholder of my life” (54:4)! And because of this, because of the character of God, because of God’s faithfulness to his promises, David models for us one thing more: gratitude. “I will give thanks to your name, O LORD, for it is good. For he has delivered me from every trouble” (54:6-7). By his name, his character, his honor, he has saved and therefore shown again that his name is good. And by his might he has delivered from trouble. Therefore: give thanks. Would you do that also this morning? Would you thank God for answering your prayers for salvation?]]>
Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life and John 1-12 For You.
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