Matthew 27:1-10: Betrayal and Salvation

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Matthew 27:1-10: Betrayal and Salvation

March 19, 2025


Deuteronomy 13-17Psalm 66Matthew 27:1-10Romans 12:1-8

Matthew 27:1-10:

How extraordinary it is to find the leaders of God’s people “taking counsel” together to oppose the work of God, and to do so in such a gross manner as to actually seek to kill the Son of God (27:1)! The truth is that all of us are sinners, and within us (this side of glory), there stir venomous serpents of opposition to God. To see our sin, by the work of the Holy Spirit, is to realize, by the illumination of that same Spirit, that Christ loves us and died for us, that while we were sinners, at the same time God demonstrated his love for us in sending his Son to die for us. What a strange and beautiful realization! That though I build my righteousness in my own strength as high as the mountains, the distance to heaven is still thereby infinite and humanly impassable—but in my wretchedness and disease and ill health, and deformity and depravity, God yet loves me, and his Son then died for me!  

Judas cannot grasp such a truth, it appears. Overcome by the horror of what he has done, he attempts to repent by going to those same leaders who had betrayed him, as well as Jesus in Judas’ own betrayal (27:3). They cruelly tell him that his conscience is his own business; see to that yourself (27:4). And he despairs (27:5). Child of God, do not despair; though your sins are as dark as night, one word from God and they will be made as bright as the new dawn, sins as scarlet made as white as snow.  

All this by God’s plan, the prophecy from Jeremiah now finds its ultimate and final fulfillment, as all is done ultimately by God’s own design—the design that a betrayal would lead to a salvation for those who believe. 


Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life and John 1-12 For You.


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