May 22, 2017: King of the Jews
May 22, 2017
Today’s Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 18-19, Psalm 115, Mark 15:16-32, Galatians 3:15-21 Mark 15:16-32: This familiar passage never ceases to shock—and amaze; amazing love, what love is this that thou should give thy life for ours? The soldiers mock him. They dress him in purple, the color of royalty, put a pretend crown on his head, a crown of thorns—long dagger, painful thorns—and pretend to pay him homage. The bitterness of the pain and anguish of the physical torment is heightened by the emotional taunting. Then they lead him out to crucify him. They compel Simon of Cyrene to carry the cross. Perhaps Jesus’ scourging has been so severe that he cannot do it himself. They crucify him. The inscription above his head continues to mock him (“The king of the Jews”), though once again it speaks far more truly than it intends. The passersby also mock him: you who said you would rebuild the temple in three days, save yourself. The religious leaders mock him too: He saved others he cannot save himself. All the while the very things they sneered at him for not doing, he was doing as they sneered. At the cross where, Love and justice mingle, Truth and mercy meet Though my sins condemn me Jesus died instead.* If you think that your sins are too big to be forgiven, spend some time this morning staring at the cross. The very God-Man incarnate, Christ, the Lord of All, is crucified. He is sneered at, mocked, brutally murdered. How could it be that any sin, however terrible, could not be covered by the price of the blood of the Incarnate Son of God? The price is paid, the price is paid. Worship our Lord Jesus Christ. And proclaim the message of Christ crucified. *At the Cross of Jesus, by John Eddison To receive God Centered Bible devotionals directly in your inbox, sign up here.]]>
Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life and John 1-12 For You.
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