No Weddings and a Funeral
January 4, 2011
A strange complexity For a long time it has been known that this picture has a strange complexity to it: the more educated, while liberal in theory about marriage, actually tend to be pretty conservative about it in their own practice. What’s new, though, is that there is a growing body of evidence that the less educated, whatever their ideological theory, are in practice moving decisively away from long-term marriage commitments. There is more divorce, more out of wedlock birth, less commitment to the institution of marriage. This is a seismic change to the picture of the American culture wars. In fact, a recentNew York Times article suggests that this culture war may not be a battle between the more educated (liberal) and the less educated (conservative), but rather a battle between different kinds of educated people. The article suggests that it may, for instance, a battle between C.S. Lewis and Philip Pullman. That shift alone is truly significant. The caricature in many a movie, pseudo-documentary, religion 101 class at an undergraduate level, and more, is that as you get educated you get less religiously conservative. That may not, for various reasons, actually be the true picture of American society. Perhaps even more startling — and worrying, whereas the previous perspective is in many ways encouraging — is what this means for the large swathe of less educated Americans. Al Mohler persuasively argues in a blog post that the single most effective way to wipe out wealth creation for succeeding generations, impoverish current ones, and decrease health, is to cease practising long-term marriage commitment. Yet, for many Americans, at a lower educated level, that seems to be precisely what is happening. So, while the educated elites debate ‘proposition 8’ (the attempted overthrow of California’s permissiveness with regard to homosexual marriage), the less educated are simply pairing up, breaking up, procreating — but in a far less stable way than in previous generations. And that is a problem that only the gospel can fix.]]>
Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life and John 1-12 For You.
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