Today’s post is part of a series entitled “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Evangelists” by Ministry Council member Rob Wolgemuth. Read the introduction here, Habit #1 here, Habit #2 here, and Habit #3 here.
Habit #4: Be intentional about witnessing to others.

There are numerous story of personal witnessing by both men in these books. For example,
Dallimore states that soon after his conversion, Whitefield couldn’t keep to himself the blessing of his new life. In his diary Whitefield records that after praying one day he felt led to go the home of a woman whom he had known prior to his conversion. He shared his faith with her and soon she wanted to be taught the ways of the faith. He says this was an occasion where he “became a fool for Christ’s sake.” He also recounts in his diary several other conversions of young people in which he was instrumental around the same time (p. 83).
Torrey speaks of Moody’s intentionality in the area of personal evangelism, “Mr. Moody made the resolution, shortly after he himself was saved, that he would never let twenty-four hours pass over his head without speaking to at least one person about his soul. His was a very busy life, and sometimes he would forget his resolution until the last hour, and sometimes he would get out of bed, dress, go out and talk to someone about his soul in order that he might not let one day pass without having definitely told at least one of his fellow-mortals about his need and the Savior who could meet it.” Torrey continues later in the chapter, “Oh, young men and women and all Christian workers, if you and I were on fire for souls like that, how long would it be before we had a revival?” (Chapter 6).
Join us tomorrow at God Centered Life to read the fifth habit, and over the coming week to find all seven. You can sign up here to receive email notifications when new posts are published. ]]>