Whence now ‘religious’ politics?
October 4, 2010
God and politics America has long had a tendency of espousing a connection between God and politics, for various historical reasons obvious to anyone familiar with the founding and early development of the American state. It has long been a historical irony of modern historians that European countries — like Britain, supposedly with an ‘established religion’ — are allergic to ‘god talk’ of any kind, while America — apparently embracing the separation of church and state — has the God word dropped by certain politicians with a fair degree of regularity. Certainly, no Christian can object to the ability to be able to speak of moral values or ‘God’ in the public sphere with freedom, and commitment, and it is in defence of this freedom that people like Beck, and others, gain their credence, their ‘cash value’, and their popularistic power.
Support for WWI?
But, but, but, in the same comparison of European and American histories, a really good first rate religious/political history should be done of the impact of the apparent support of the churches for what most people would agree was the utterly disastrous First World War. What does it do to a sense of the prophetic credibility of a faith that can support trench warfare? Answer: look at church attendance figures in Britain ever since. The downslide. Perhaps there is a good history that establishes this, and if there is I am not at this point familiar with it, and would like to be made aware. But my sense is that Lloyd-Jones’s advice to a budding — and later rather well-known evangelical Christian who went into politics — that he must embrace all the values of God and morality in his role, and serve in politics with absolute freedom as an expression of his Christian faith, but never, never tie Christian faith specifically to his party politics. That clear advice, and very different sensibility from the standard feeling across the Atlantic, is worth a fresh consideration. Without abandoning the ability to pressure politicians on moral issues. The legacy of Wilberforce must not be abandoned. But we can do that without tying ourselves so closely to a party machine that we are left so undiscriminating that we can embrace as one of our own someone who doesn’t believe that Jesus Christ is God. Which, last time I checked, is a pretty important part of being a Christian. (1) http://thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/justintaylor/page/2/ (2) http://www.russellmoore.com/2010/08/29/god-the-gospel-and-glenn-beck/]]>
Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life and John 1-12 For You.
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