MAR_Jesus, Strong and Kind

Partner with God Centered Life!

At God Centered Life, our vision is Life Centered on God. We believe God is doing something significant through God Centered Life.  

God Centered Life is a listener-supported ministry. Your partnership with GCL makes what we do possible and this ministry cannot exist without your support!

Our special gift for your donation this month!

This month at God Centered Life, we're offering a copy of Jesus, Strong and Kind by Sinclair Ferguson for your gift of any amount. When you make your gift, we'll send a copy your way. (If you'd prefer not to receive the book, just note that in the comment box during check out.)

The special gift is available only to those who live within the continental United States.

You can partner with God Centered Life by making a one-time gift today or by becoming a monthly contributor to help us continue to bring the message of the gospel to our culture. You can give online by clicking the button below or mail a check to us at:

God Centered Life
P.O. Box 1025
Wheaton, IL 60187

All gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the law. Thank you for partnering with God Centered Life!

For a full list of ways to give, click here