We need to get our priorities in line with God to live the fullest life possible, one that is not meaningless, but filled with significance.

If you ask Siri on your iPhone to tell you the meaning of life you will get a range of interesting responses. Some are comical, some inane, and others attempting—and mostly failing—to be profound.

The book of Ecclesiastes, which we are studying together this month on the God Centered Life, boldly declares an opinion on the topic: “Vanity of vanities,…All is vanity. What does a man gain by all the…toils under the sun?” (1:2-3). The answer to this rhetorical question? Nothing.

To understand this, “vanity” isn’t a reference to special license plates that will get you noticed. Instead it equals “meaningless” or “pointless.” Literally, the word vanity here could be translated as “vapor” or “mist.” Life simply vanishes before our very eyes. All we do, all we chase after, counts for nothing. We appear, live out our days, and we are gone like the wind.

This somber start has led some to declare Ecclesiastes a deeply depressing book. But I believe, frankly, that King Solomon who penned these words is spot on. Life is meaningless. Its purposes are illusory, fleeting—if that life is separated from God.

But if our lives are shaped and patterned after the will of our Creator, they take on meaning. We can escape all this pointlessness if we are, well, centered on God! In some ways this core teaching in Ecclesiastes drives home the biblical foundation for our entire ministry.

With God at the center of all things, our marriages, our careers, our finances, our skills—all become aligned, and God uses us to make the greatest impact imaginable while he gives us breath.

That is why I titled my series on Ecclesiastes, Life Is a Question Mark—and Then You Die. We need to get our priorities in line with God to live the fullest life possible, one that is not meaningless, but filled with significance. I hope you’ll tune in on the podcast or on the radio as we dig into the meat of this book. Lord willing, it will shift your perspective and give you fresh hope.

I am convinced that the Bible has all that mankind needs to flourish, and I trust that you will embrace this truth at the deepest level.
Our whole team here at GCL wants to see you resonating with our goal of helping people center their lives on God. And as you do, may I ask you to partner with us financially so we can reach more people?

This month, we’d like to send you a copy of Sinclair Ferguson’s book, Jesus, Strong and Kind, when you give a donation. It is a children’s book that teaches little ones that they can always turn to Jesus. When they feel afraid, lost, thirsty, or weak, he is there. A good message for all of us!

By the way, some people hesitate to give because they fear their gift will be too small. Please know this is not the case. We treasure every contribution we receive and use them—significantly—to challenge others to grow in Christ. May your life have meaning in Him today!

In Christ,

Josh Moody
President and Founder
God Centered Life Ministries

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Jesus, Strong and Kind
by Sinclair Ferguson .