Psalm 113: Praise the Lord!

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Psalm 113: Praise the Lord!

May 20, 2022


2 Samuel 14-15Psalm 113Mark 14:66-72Galatians 3:15-29

Psalm 113:

This psalm is obviously a psalm of praise. But it is one thing to say “praise the Lord”; it is another thing to be compelled with authenticity to praise the Lord. This psalm bridges the gap between instruction to praise and fuel for our praises. Consider these things: First, the extent of the practice of those who are called to praise.

  • The “servants of the Lord,” all of them are to praise God. Do you serve God? Offer him praise!
  • But not only are all those who serve God to praise God, they are to praise God for all time. This praise is from “this time forth and forevermore” (113:2); praise God now and forever.
  • And not only is it infinite in extent, it is daily in intensity: “From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!” (113:3).

To recap: those who praise God are: all those who serve God, for all time, and every single day, the whole day, to praise God. Quite a vision of the practice of praise! Second, the worthiness of the character of the One who is to be praised.

  • The Lord is “high above all nations, and his glory above the heavens!” (113:4). God’s glory is greater than any nation, however powerful, and more majestic than even the universe itself, however inconceivably massive the “heavens” or what we think of as the universe in its scope.
  • The Lord is not only seated on high; he also “looks far down on the heavens and the earth” (113:6). The extent of his massive power is indicated by the picture of God not only looking down on the earth, but also looking down on the heavens! This is a God who has to stoop to look down at the universe! But such is our God. He accommodates himself to our understanding. He rescues his people. Ultimately the Son of God is incarnate as a man. What a God, and how worthy of praise, that he would love us so much!
  • The Lord is a God who “raises the poor from the dust…he gives the barren woman a home” (113:7, 9). God has a heart for the poor, the barren, the impoverished, the vulnerable, and has mercy on them to raise them up. Again what a great God is this and how worthy of praise!

To recap: the God who is to be praised is a God high and lifted up, who stoops down to save, and takes care of the poor and vulnerable. Quite a vision of the God who is to be praised! Would you then this morning “Praise the Lord!”


Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life and John 1-12 For You.


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