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The Pattern and the Pulpit: A Workshop on Biblical Exposition, May 7-9, 2014
The Charles Simeon Trust, and our focus this year will be "The Pattern and the Pulpit: Exposition, Systematics, and Practice." For most of us, a classroom is the place for ...
Read More The Gospel of God #20, Romans 2:6-8, “Paul’s Screwtape Letter”
this passage earlier this week, the thought came to my mind that this was probably the most countercultural passage in the Bible! How could we look at this passage and understand ...
Read More Video Preview: Paul’s Screwtape Letter
Romans 2:6-8 in our series “The Gospel of God” with a message titled “Paul's Screwtape Letter." Here is a video preview: ]]>
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The Word Conference exists to celebrate, experience, and expand the proclamation of God’s Word by God’s Spirit to God’s glory in our contemporary age. Find fellowship, friendship, and encouragement in the task of teaching, preaching, and proclaiming the Bible.