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Genesis - A New Beginning: A New King
It could be that the very things that you find most traumatic and difficult are the things that God is precisely weaving into the tapestry of your life. In this way, you might, in your weakness, be exalted as a witness that you have been taken out of the pit and restored to a relationship with the King of the whole universe.

Meet Josh Moody
Pastor, Teacher, and Author
Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life and John 1-12 For You.

GCL Articles
5 Reasons You Should Read the Old Testament
By Josh Moody |
by Dr. Josh Moody Sometimes it feels hard enough to persuade people to read the Bible at all. Why bother with the Old Testament? Isn’t it irredeemably, well, old, out of date, out of touch, not to mention violent, aggressive, misogynistic, and just plain nasty to boot? Here are five reasons why you should read the Old…
A Perspective, a Response, and a Strategy for Our Current Crises
By Josh Moody |
By Dr. Josh Moody Which particular current crisis do we have in mind? Pick one! There are so many, and so many different views of such crises, global, local, personal, that surround us today. What is the right approach to dealing with a time of crisis? First, A Historic Perspective There seems little doubt that…
The Day of Knowing: An Interview
By Josh Moody |
Pastor Josh Moody’s latest book, The Day of Knowing, is now available. With this latest venture into fiction, God Centered Life had some questions we needed to find the answers to! Why did you write a science fiction book? I’ve always loved science fiction. I think it was my older brother who introduced me to Isaac…