1 Chronicles 17-19: King of Kings
July 8, 2024
1 Chronicles 17-19, Psalm 132, Luke 9:1-17, Colossians 4:1-9
David has it on his heart to build God a temple. He sees a discrepancy between the house of cedar in which he lives and the tent in which the ark is placed (17:1). He describes his desire to the prophet Nathan—note the more positive, friendly relationship David has with the prophets and compare with Saul’s disastrous relationship with Samuel (1 Sam. 15)—and Nathan encourages him (17:2). But God speaks to Nathan contrary to what seems like biblical common sense (17:3-15).
Sometimes God’s ways are higher than ours (Is. 55:9), and we do well to study the Bible carefully to hear from him. David, God says, is not to build a house for God (17:4). Instead, God will build a household for David (17:10). He will make David’s name great (17:8). And it will be David’s son who will build a house for God (17:11-12).
In particular, though, the stunning and famous prophecy makes clear this son of David will have his throne established “forever” (17:12). “I will confirm him in my house and in my kingdom forever, and his throne shall be established forever” (17:14). However you slice it, this promise of a “forever” kingdom was not fulfilled in Solomon. Instead, it speaks of a further horizon, the son of David who is great David’s greater Son: the Lord Jesus, the Messiah, whose kingdom does last forever. David then prays a great prayer of thanksgiving (17:16-27), and proceeds thereafter to defeat the enemies of God’s people (18:1-13; 19:1-19).
But not only is he a truly spiritual man, not only he is a military commander of great success, he is also a canny administrator, who “administered justice and equity to all his people” (18:14). Truly, was there ever a king or leader like David? Here we have a man who is a stunning musician, renowned and popular like Bono or Bach; we have a military leader with extraordinary success commanding armies in battle like Dwight Eisenhower; and we also have a man who is a brilliant bureaucrat and justice dispenser who ensures that the wheels of government turn in the favor of not just the great, but also the little person too—with fairness and equity—like a Teddy Roosevelt or Ronald Reagan. Never was a king like this. Or rather there was. And a greater One. An eternal One. An infinitely superior One. The Christ, Jesus Himself, Son of David.
Josh Moody (Ph.D., University of Cambridge) is the senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, IL., president and founder of God Centered Life Ministries, and author of several books including How the Bible Can Change Your Life and John 1-12 For You.
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