Archive for August 2022
Proverbs 5: Keep a Path Far from Her
Ezra 7, Proverbs 5, Luke 14:15-24, 1 Timothy 3:11-18 Proverbs 5: Perhaps one of the most important chapters in the Bible today. We are told today—subtly, implicitly, overtly, and explicitly—that sexual liaisons, of various and many kinds, without the boundaries of a committed life-long marriage of a man to a woman, is healthy and beneficial. Adultery, fornication, sexuality…
Read MoreProverbs 4: Guard Your Heart
Ezra 6, Proverbs 4, Luke 14:1-14, 1 Timothy 3:1-10 Proverbs 4: Once again, this chapter of Proverbs urges the reader to listen to the Word. There is no doubt that in normal circumstances, in normal situations, your own father will give you wise advice to which it is wise to listen. He wants what is best for you,…
Read MoreProverbs 3: Do Not Forget
Ezra 4-5, Proverbs 3, Luke 13:22-35, 1 Timothy 2 Proverbs 3: This chapter begins with an exhortation to not forget the teaching of God’s Word. They will “bring you peace and prosperity” (3:1). The question that immediately follows that proposition is naturally, “Why should I not forget?” or “What particular benefit does holding onto God’s Word give?” …
Read MoreProverbs 2: The Path of the Righteous
Ezra 3, Proverbs 2, Luke 13:10-21, 1 Timothy 1:12-21 Proverbs 2: How do we find this most precious of all characteristics, wisdom? This chapter tells us that it starts with the area of desire in our own lives. “My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and…
Read MoreProverbs 1: Truly Wise
Ezra 1-2, Proverbs 1, Luke 13:1-9, 1 Timothy 1:1-11 Proverbs 1: As we start this Book of Proverbs, it is worth asking what the purpose of this book is. Providentially, and by divine intention and inspiration, the book answers that problem for us from the very beginning. This book is not simply a collection of random best-thought-for-the-day sayings. It is…
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