Archive for January 2025
Matthew 4:12-17: The Kingdom of Heaven
Genesis 21-23, Psalm 8, Matthew 4:12-17, Acts 5:1-16 Matthew 4:12-17: The arrest of John had some impact on Jesus, in that hearing of his arrest “he withdrew into Galilee” (4:12). Perhaps he withdrew to pray, or re-gather for the next great stage of his ministry now that John, his forerunner, had been arrested. At any…
Read MoreMatthew 4:1-11: Temptation
Genesis 18-20, Psalm 7, Matthew 4:1-11, Acts 4:23-37 Matthew 4:1-11: Jesus’ temptation functions at two levels for us. First, it tells us that Jesus was tempted in every way as we are—yet without sin—and so encourages us that he is able to empathize with our weakness (Hebrews 4:15); that no temptation has seized us except…
Read MoreMatthew 3:13-17: With Whom I Am Well Pleased
Genesis 15-17, Psalm 6, Matthew 3:13-17, Acts 4:1-22 Matthew 3:13-17: The baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist is one of the most compelling and dramatic moments in the Gospel accounts. It has several remarkable features. For one, we see Jesus here showing a degree of humility that is extraordinary. John is correct: Jesus does…
Read MoreMatthew 3:1-12: Spirit and Fire
Genesis 12-14, Psalm 5, Matthew 3:1-12, Acts 3 Matthew 3:1-12: “In those days John the Baptist”—so enters, in Matthew’s Gospel, this strange, extraordinary and great figure of biblical history: John the Baptist. He it is who prepares the way for the Lord, making straight his paths in the wilderness, declaring that Jesus is the Christ,…
Read MoreMatthew 2:13-23: God’s Plans Cannot Be Thwarted
Genesis 9-11, Psalm 4, Matthew 2:13-23, Acts 2:22-47 Matthew 2:13-23: Prophetic fulfillment and angelic intervention. It is clear, from Matthew’s account, that what is happening is of cosmic, supernatural, world-changing impact. Not all the time do angels appear in the Bible. They turn up fairly rarely in the Old Testament, and not much more frequently…
Read MoreMatthew 2:1-12: Exceeding Joy
Genesis 5-8, Psalm 3, Matthew 2:1-12, Acts 2:1-21 Matthew 2:1-12: The visit of the “wise men” is a famous story—but what exactly is it intended to teach us? To begin with, the focus is on “worship” (three times repeated in these twelve verses), and in particular, a contrast between the response of Herod and the…
Read MoreMatthew 1:18-25: God and Savior
Genesis 3-4, Psalm 2, Matthew 1:18-25, Acts 1:12-26 Matthew 1:18-25: The birth of Jesus Christ, as we remember at Christmas, is the fulcrum of the world, the center point of history, and the very pinnacle of God’s salvation plan—as it works its way out through the life, death, resurrection, ascension and return of the Lord…
Read MoreMatthew 1:1-17: God’s Saving King
Genesis 1-2, Psalm 1, Matthew 1:1-17, Acts 1:1-11 Matthew 1:1-17: Genealogies are not normally thought to be best-selling literature. But in certain contexts, and when rightly understood, they are thrilling. Missionaries tell me that in some cultures the translation of the Bible most eagerly anticipated is the genealogy. That is because, in cultures where family…
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