Matthew 13:1-23: Seed and Sower

Exodus 19-20, Psalm 30, Matthew 13:1-23, Acts 18:18-28 Matthew 13:1-23: One of the most well-known stories that Jesus ever told is this parable of the sower (13:3-8). It is so familiar to many of us as it is such good material for children’s teaching. It is imbibed from such an early age if we grew…

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Matthew 12:38-50: Greater Than Jonah

Exodus 16-18, Psalm 29, Matthew 12:38-50, Acts 18:1-17 Matthew 12:38-50: “Signs” function sometimes in a positive way in the New Testament—John’s Gospel is structured around signs that are given that we may believe, for instance (John 20:30-31). But here the Pharisees are asking for a sign (12:38), really demanding for a sign; it was another…

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Matthew 12:22-37: A Good Tree

Exodus 13-15, Psalm 28, Matthew 12:22-37, Acts 17:16-34 Matthew 12:22-37: This passage contains a teaching of Jesus that has troubled the consciences of many sensitive souls down through the years of Christian history. Have I committed the sin against the Holy Spirit, they wonder? Well, it is important, as always, to read these words in…

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Matthew 12:1-21: A Bruised Reed He Will Not Break

Exodus 10-12, Psalm 27, Matthew 12:1-21, Acts 17:1-15 Matthew 12:1-21: Jesus and his disciples are going for a Sunday afternoon stroll. It’s the Sabbath, literally, and the disciples are hungry. They are walking through grain fields, and so the disciples start to pick the heads of the grain and start to chew it—a simple way…

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Matthew 11:20-30: Come to Me, and I Will Give You Rest

Exodus 7-9, Psalm 26, Matthew 11:20-30, Acts 16:16-40   Matthew 11:20-30:  Now comes some uncomfortable hearing for those who had been following Jesus’ career so far, listened to his teaching, and even witnessed his miracles. These towns in Galilee—Chorazin, Bethsaida, Capernaum—had not repented at Jesus’ presence, teaching or miracles (11:20). How could such a thing…

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Matthew 11:1-19: Wisdom Justified by Her Deeds

Exodus 4-6; Psalm 25; Matthew 11:1-19; Acts 16:1-15 Matthew 11:1-19: After giving these instructions to his disciples, Jesus himself goes from there to teach and preach in their cities. If we want to train others to do ministry, we need to do ministry ourselves. You cannot sit in an ivory tower telling people what to…

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Matthew 10:21-42: I Have Not Come to Bring Peace

Exodus 1-3, Psalm 24, Matthew 10:21-42, Acts 15:22-41 Matthew 10:21-42: A passage of stern warnings, but given with strong reasons not to fear nonetheless. First of all, Jesus is a realist. “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master” (10:24). If they treated Jesus like this, then surely we should not expect that they will…

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