James 2:14-26: Real Faith Results in a Changed Life

Jeremiah 10-11, Ecclesiastes 3:16-22, John 1:43-51, James 2:14-26 James 2:14-26: We come now to one of the most controversial parts of Scripture! It is for this reason that Martin Luther infamously called James “that strawy epistle,” recognizing how James – particularly this passage we are looking at today – has been interpreted to be in conflict with Paul’s…

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James 2:1-13: Love Your Neighbor

Jeremiah 7-9, Ecclesiastes 3:1-15, John 1:35-42, James 2:1-13 James 2:1-13: Favoritism can seem a small thing – indeed in certain circumstances a natural thing, or even a favorable thing. Is it not right to give honor to those who have acted in a way that deserves honor? Should we not reward those who compete well and succeed? But…

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James 1:19-27: Hear and Obey

Jeremiah 5-6, Ecclesiastes 2:17-26, John 1:29-34, James 1:19-27 James 1:19-27: It is so easy to speak too much – and listen too little. Here James is giving us practical instruction about how (and why) to listen, as well as how (and why) to speak. First, Christians of all people are to be quick to listen and slow to…

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James 1:12-18: More on How to Deal with Suffering

Jeremiah 3-4, Ecclesiastes 2:1-16, John 1:19-28, James 1:12-18 James 1:12-18: The question of suffering can lead to much confusion among Christians. Why? For what purpose? We looked at how James answered some of those questions in our study yesterday. Here he gives three further perspectives. First, the great thing when you are under pressure is to persevere.…

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James 1:1-11: How to Deal With Suffering

Jeremiah 1-2, Ecclesiastes 1, John 1:1-18, James 1:1-11 James 1:1-11: It is always difficult to know how to react and respond when we are going through difficult circumstances. What is the right way to respond to suffering? Some people just want to knuckle down and tough their way through the pain. Others tend to want to blame others…

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