Posts by Josh Moody
Romans 4: The One Who Does Not Work
Numbers 9-11, Psalm 52, Matthew 22:34-46, Romans 4 Romans 4: This chapter is less compact in its argument than the ones previous, and presents a grand vision of how Abraham in particular (and David too) also give evidence to prove Paul’s thesis. These great Old Testament heroes, they were likewise justified by faith without works—just as are we.…
Read MoreRomans 3: Just and Justify the Unrighteous
Numbers 7-8; Psalm 51; Matthew 22:15-33; Romans 3 Romans 3: Once again, we verge on the sacrilegious in attempting to summarize this whole majestic chapter in just a few short words today. But what is Paul teaching us here? First, we are all sinners! This is the grand point that Paul has been driving at so far in…
Read MoreRomans 2: Not Just Religion
Numbers 5-6; Psalm 50; Matthew 22:1-14; Romans 2 Romans 2: There’s a lot in this chapter—far too much to analyze in any depth in one short devotional! But let us summarize first, again, what Paul is arguing here in this chapter, and then what lessons we can learn from what he says. First, Paul is here basically arguing…
Read MoreRomans 1:18-32: The Persuasive Importance of the Gospel
Numbers 3-4; Psalm 49; Matthew 21:33-46; Romans 1:18-32 Romans 1:18-32: We come now to one of the most somber passages in Scripture, but at the same time the most necessary, the most compelling, and the essential foundation for the reception of any good news. Paul’s argument is simple, and the conclusions from it devastating to human pride and…
Read MoreRomans 1:1-17: Introducing the Gospel
Numbers 1-2, Psalm 48, Matthew 21:23-32, Romans 1:1-17 Romans 1:1-17: We come now to the Book of Romans—a book so deep that to cover the first 17 verses in one short devotional feels tantamount to sacrilege. But there is much that we can learn from these 17 verses, nonetheless. First, that the gospel of Jesus Christ calls…
Read MoreActs 28:17-31: Boldness
Leviticus 26-27, Psalm 47, Matthew 21:12-22, Acts 28:17-31 Acts 28:17-31: I just love how Acts finishes! There is Paul, in Rome, under house arrest. And what does he spend his time doing? First of all, preaching to his fellow compatriots, the Jewish leaders. And then to all who would listen. Luke carefully finishes his story by declaring that…
Read MoreActs 28:1-16: Almost There
Leviticus 24-25, Psalm 46, Matthew 21:1-11, Acts 28:1-16 Acts 28:1-16: We are almost at the final moment of this extraordinary story told by Luke. It began, in his second volume (that book we call “Acts”; the first volume being what we call the Gospel of Luke), with the architecture of the book being announced that it would describe…
Read MoreActs 27:27-44: Safe, But Not Without Danger
Leviticus 21-23, Psalm 45, Matthew 20:17-34, Acts 27:27-44 Acts 27:27-44: In this way everyone reached land safely. But what a way! Wet, swimming, clinging to pieces of wood of the wrecked ship. All were saved, as God had told Paul, without loss of life—but still with considerable difficulty, alarm, apparent danger, presumable fear, and trauma. What can we…
Read MoreActs 27:1-26: Storm
Leviticus 18-20, Psalm 44, Matthew 20:1-16, Acts 27:1-26 Acts 27:1-26: The measure of a man or woman is often revealed in a storm. Here is Paul in a literal storm, and while everyone around is panicking and rushing around scared, despondent and frightened—Paul stands firm. How does he do it? First of all, he has something extraordinary that…
Read MoreActs 26:19-32: God Is Sovereign
Leviticus 16-17, Psalm 43, Matthew 19:16-30, Acts 26:19-32 Acts 26:19-32: We come to another moment of strange providence. This man could have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar. What does this part of the story show us? Several things: First, that Paul was a man of unparalleled intellect. He had “great learning.” People might…
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