Archive for March 2022
Remembering and Rejoicing! Studying Jesus’ Final Words before Easter
Today’s article is a guest post from Lindsay Olford. Lindsay is an experienced content writer and strategist. She serves in creating Christ-centered content across multiple web and media outlets. Lindsay received her Bachelors in Creative Writing from Union University and her Masters in Theological Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. There are many disciplines we…
Read MorePsalm 71: Old and Attacked
Deuteronomy 33-34, Psalm 71, Matthew 28:11-20, Romans 16 Psalm 71: When you are attacked as a young man or woman, you have certain advantages. To begin with, you are strong. You fear less the actual physical attack, or the hidden insinuated physical attack, that lies behind the words of slander or accusation. Plus, as a young person you…
Read MorePsalm 70: Haste!
Deuteronomy 32, Psalm 70, Matthew 28:1-10, Romans 15:14-33 Psalm 70: Jesus teaches us that we should always pray and not give up. And it is the experience of many a godly man and woman that prayer is to be persevered in, not merely played with. And yet, it is also a worthy desire to ask God to answer…
Read MorePsalm 69:19-36: For the Lord Hears
Deuteronomy 29-31, Psalm 69:19-36, Matthew 27:57-66, Romans 15:1-13 Psalm 69:19-36: This second section of the psalm continues its focus upon “salvation” (see verses 29 and 35). It begins with a mournful plea to God: “You know my reproach.” Take comfort if you are in difficulties that God knows. Your pain is not hidden from him; your sorrows are not…
Read MorePsalm 69:1-18: Save Me, O God!
Deuteronomy 27-28, Psalm 69:1-18, Matthew 27:45-56, Romans 14 Psalm 69:1-18: David is asking to be “saved” (69:1, 13, 35; cf. 69:18). This is the theme throughout this psalm: salvation. But salvation from what and by whom? It’s one thing to know that you are in trouble and you need help. It is another thing to get the help…
Read MorePsalm 68: Ascribe Power to God!
Deuteronomy 22-26, Psalm 68, Matthew 27:27-44, Romans 13 Psalm 68: When you think of God, what comes into your mind? A.W. Tozer once said that the the answer to that question is the most important thing to know about yourself or anyone else. For many people today, when they think of God, the immediate word association is “love.”…
Read MorePsalm 67: That Your Way May Be Known!
Deuteronomy 18-21, Psalm 67, Matthew 27:11-26, Romans 12:9-21 Psalm 67: The psalm begins with a reflection on the famous Aaronic blessing that God commanded the priests to bless his people with (Numbers 6:22-27). But now this psalm is interpreted in a missionary context. This blessing is “that your way may be known on earth, your saving power…
Read MorePsalm 66: Shout for Joy
Deuteronomy 13-17, Psalm 66, Matthew 27:1-10, Romans 12:1-8 Psalm 66: Moderate praise is not what is called for—but a “shout for joy to God”! (66:1) The psalmist is writing about a God who generates this kind of exuberance, voluminous, joyful praise! The reason? “How awesome are your deeds!” (66:3). The God of the Bible is not a passive…
Read MorePsalm 65: A Joyful Expanse of Praise
Deuteronomy 9-12, Psalm 65, Matthew 26:57-75, Romans 11:25-38 Psalm 65: Why praise God? Christians often take it for granted that everyone understands that God is worthy of praise. But non-Christians frequently think that for God to demand praise of his creatures suggests he is insecure if not egocentric. Perhaps Christians, too, from time to time, also wonder the…
Read MorePsalm 64: But God!
Deuteronomy 6-8, Psalm 64, Matthew 26:36-56, Romans 11:1-24 Psalm 64: When we think of complaining, we think of moaning, of unrighteous doubt about God’s provision or his care. But here David turns his unease into prayer: “Hear my voice, O God, in my complaint” (64:1). Do you have a complaint? Do you have something that is bugging you,…
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