Exodus 13-15: Crossing the Red Sea

Exodus 13-15; Psalm 28; Matthew 12:22-37; Acts  17:16-34 Exodus 13-15: This section picks up after more instructions about the Passover (Ex. 12:40-51), and continues with instruction on consecrating the firstborn (13:1-2), the Feast of Unleavened Bread (13:3-10), and the law of the firstborn (13:11-16). It rapidly moves to one of the more dramatic moments in…

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Exodus 10-12: Passover!

Exodus 10-12; Psalm 27; Matthew 12:1-21; Acts  17:1-15 Exodus 10-12: The Passover in Exodus 12 is the greatest story in the entire Bible, except one which is the fulfillment of this story!  So Pharaoh once again is up to his old tricks: first yes (10:8, 24), then no (10:10, 28). His heart is hardened (10:1,…

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Exodus 7-9: Yes, Yes and No, No

Exodus 7-9; Psalm 26; Matthew 11:20-30; Acts  16:16-40 Exodus 7-9: It is mysterious to human eyes why some believe and some do not, yet in the ultimacy of God’s purpose all is clear: Pharaoh made a conscious choice to refuse to “let God’s people go,” and he did so according to the will of God.…

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Exodus 4-6: Bricks Without Straw

Exodus 4-6; Psalm 25; Matthew 11:1-19; Acts  16:1-15  Exodus 4-6: Moses is not so sure this is a task that he is up to (4:1), and who could blame him? Going to the regional superpower, the leader of Egypt, and commanding said all-powerful leader to do exactly what you said. This was not a job…

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Exodus 1-3: Let My People Go!

Exodus 1-3; Psalm 24; Matthew 10:21-42; Acts 15:22-41 Exodus 1-3: The plot thickens. According to God’s promise to Abram (Genesis 15:13), God’s people would go as strangers to a strange land, be servants/slaves there, and be called out to serve God afterwards in their own land. So also are we today serving God in a strange…

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