Archive for December 2024
Micah 6-7: Steadfast Love
Micah 6-7, Job 36:1-15, John 19:1-16, Revelation 13 Micah 6-7: Renewal cannot come until God’s people learn, “Hear what the Lord says” (6:1). It is critically important today, too, that the church centers its corporate (as well as individual) life around the Bible. We must “hear what the Lord says,” listen carefully, take in his Word, apply it…
Read MoreMicah 4-5: Little Town of Bethlehem
Micah 4-5, Job 35, John 18:28-40, Revelation 12 Micah 4-5: Micah, under the inspiration of God’s Spirit, now turns his eye to the future and the blessing that will come to God’s people through the coming of the Messiah. There will be an international reach to this new work of God (4:1-2); there shall be a conduit of peace…
Read MoreMicah 1-3: Filled with Power
Micah 1-3, Job 34:21-27, John 18:19-27, Revelation 11 Micah 1-3: The first three chapters of Micah have little by way of positive feel-good vibe—interspersed only occasionally with promises of the future Redeemer (the promise of which is more clearly in view in chapter 4). Micah prophesied during a time of prosperity, and warned God’s people…
Read MoreChristmas Is More Than an Evangelistic Opportunity
by Josh Moody The following article was written for Evangelicals Now and published in their December 2024 issue. The origins of Christmas celebrations as we tend to experience them are fraught with controversy – and ignorance, too. It may be that the purported pagan roots of Christmas trees are arguable, but the actual celebration of…
Read MoreJonah 1-4: But Jonah
Jonah 1-4, Job 34:1-20, John 18:1-18, Revelation 10 Jonah 1-4: The Book of Jonah is a small book with a massive message. The prophet Jonah flees from God, refusing to obey his call to go to Nineveh because he knew that God was a “gracious God and merciful” (4:2) and therefore feared that God would forgive…
Read MoreObadiah 1:1-21: The Kingdom Shall Be the Lord’s
Obadiah 1:1-21, Job 33:12-33, John 17:20-26, Revelation 9 Obadiah 1:1-21: Obadiah is the shortest book of the Old Testament, but its message is not to be measured by the amount of space it takes up physically in the canon. Probably written after the fall of Jerusalem, Obadiah prophecies against Edom for their role in handing the fleeing Israelites to…
Read MoreAmos 7-9: The Mountains Shall Drip Sweet Wine
Amos 7-9, Job 33:1-11, John 17:6-19, Revelation 8 Amos 7-9: In Amos’ vision, God showed him locusts appearing not at the very worst possible moment but at a time after the king’s mowings, but still a devastating judgment (7:1). Amos appeals to God, and God relents (7:3). Again, a vision of a judgment by fire, Amos appeals…
Read MoreAmos 5-6: Let Justice Roll Down Like Waters
Amos 5-6, Job 32, John 17:1-5, Revelation 7 Amos 5-6: A “lamentation” is not a common form of writing or poetry or discourse today. We are so enamored with “positive talk” or “positive thinking” that we find it hard to see the value in pointing out failings, let alone celebrating a sadness. In other cultures, the…
Read MoreAmos 3-4: You Only Have I Known
Amos 3-4, Job 31:24-40, John 16:25-33, Revelation 6 Amos 3-4: Amos declares the fundamental relational and covenantal basis for God’s judgment on his people. You only have I known of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities. (3:2) The “therefore” in that verse 2 is astonishing. Because God knows his…
Read MoreAmos 1-2: For Three Transgressions and for Four
Amos 1-2, Job 31:1-23, John 16:12-24, Revelation 5 Amos 1-2: Preaching for conviction of sin is no easy task. Our hearts are too often self-deluded, and our ears tend to strain out sounds that bring conviction in place of noises that bring affirmation. And when we do hear conviction, we too easily mistake it for condemnation,…
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